Wow- I don't know why this is scary for me, but I am truthfully very scared to enter the blog world again. I have so many thoughts that rush through my head twenty-four hours a day that hopefully this will help clear some, so maybe I can sleep. Oh wait, that would be that the blackberry is off- oh well i thought there was hope.
Anyway, so here I go with the blog world again. I pray that seriously though anyone that reads this sees the real me through this. I have been told way too many times lately that I have changed, and I'm not myself. I'm sorry guys, thank you for keeping me going! I don't like who I have become. I don't like this life I am living right now and can assure you that it is going to change.
God is teaching me five things right now through "Believing God" Beth Moore Bible Study. I can't imagine taking this journey without such good friends. It's amazing how God brought us back together.
Anyway, God is pouring into me that:
1. God is who He says He is.
2. God can do, what He says He can do.
3. I am, who God says I am. ((((Yikes)))))
4. I can do all things through Christ.
5. God's word is alive and active in me.
Anyway, I praying that as I am reminding myself of these ever day, thinking out them throughout the day, and quoting them in those rough and tough moments that I will live them. Right now, I am not living as God is who He says He is in my life, nor am I trusting Him to do the things He says he can do. Not to mention, I am not believing Him when he shows and tells me what He sees me as. How drastic would my life be, if I lived this out? WOW- I want to live like that, I want to be the person that Christ says I am. I want to live and breath in Him and not be depressed and stressed out with this world as I am living now. I desire God's word to be alive in me, not to mention the fact that I want to feel alive instead of chained to something I'm not.
Please pray that I live by these truths.
I'm ready for the ride that God has before me. I'm looking forward to proclaiming that all of my chains are gone. Several years ago, I was able to sing of God's amazing grace as I accepted His love for me. Today, I am so humbled by that love for me. I want to live it out and be able to tell and show others. I just have a few things that I'm chained too. However, God can do what He says He can do. And my God can move mountains and He is about to move me! Whew, with tear filled eyes I'm ready.