Saturday, September 20, 2008


Alright like many other people right now I'm on the couch. However, I'm not watching loud football, I'm cozy reading and just being lazy. It's pretty much been my day. I had such a nice relaxing morning, and then went shopping with Jennifer. We power shopped and had a great time and found a lot of pretty things. I love fall clothes! They make me very very happy! I came home and feel alseep about 4:30 all cozy and only woke up b/c my mom called about 6:30. I slept so hard and was out of it when I woke up. Didn't feel like fixing anything for dinner so I ran to Subway and then came back and was about to get a shower and go back to bed. Doug called as I was finishing my sandwhich and ask if I could come to his house for a few hours while he had to run to work. Of course I am not going to turn down a chance to see my babies. So as I walked in, Doug said he already put them to bed, I hear tiny footsteps of Emma coming around the corner. Ha Ha-- She said she heard my voice and had to love me!!! I can't wait to have my own kids, but until then I am so glad I have friends that share. She got upset when she found out daddy was going to leave, after all mom is out of town already. However, we settled down quickly as she took my hand and we talked to her bedroom. She said it was bed time and I could get cozy with her as it was raining, she said she would make sure I wasn't scared. :) I love this child. Doug came back in right before he was leaving and found us both in her twin size bed. I'm sure that was a sight. Doug ask Emma if she was okay, and she responded so sweetly, and said "Of course Daddy, Tiffy is here and we're cozy" At that moment I was complete. The entire day has been a comfortable day! I haven't been on call, gone to the office, or thought about work. I'm thankful for this cozy day!

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