Sunday, November 30, 2008


Reflecting is something that is always done differnetly. Sometimes a reflection of a sunset in the water is something that is breathtaking and priceless! Reflecting back to this time last year is very challenging but it's history.
My sweet neice told me yesterday, that Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift that's why it's called the present. So true! As today ends November, I am realizing that we only have a month left in 2008! Wow- this year has flown by---but I have heard times flies when your having fun--- so I guess that is what this is??? Maybe not! So I went back and was reading my journel from this time last year and was blown away. I had just had the breast surgery and was waiting for results. God was faithful in the midst of that. I was waiting and working with my friend David on a project for the future, and even though it's even hard for me to see now-God was faithful. I was trying to finish up the stuff before the new year, just as I am doing now as well as writing goals and plans for the next year. Wow- it's hard to think about the future sometimes. I'm amazed to think about the changes in the past twelve months within my life, my church, and my job. WOW!
Ideas and thoughts have changed! People have changed. However, I'm glad I can say that my God hasn't changed. He's been forever faithful- even when I haven't been. He has been comforting, when I have been a mess. He has held my hand through a lot this year and I know will continue to guide me. It isn't always easy to reflect, but I often find it needed in my life. I need to see in what ways I've grown and how far I've come but always in what ways I have lacked trusting and persuing and what things I still struggle with that I did last year. Might not be so hard to figure out--but God is faithful. I know he has a plan. I know I'm going to look back one day and say just like I did with this picture that what He has done in my life makes me speechless. He is the Healer of all- phyiscal, emotional, mental, and spiritual. I will reflect again and be able to hopefully see how everything I stuggle with now will no longer be a mystery but pure history that I can completely put in the past. So we shall see . . . . . .now for the next thirty days----I got to get busy!

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